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Welcome to the website of Lindsey Roads Cycling Club. Since its inception in October 1970 the club has been run by its members to promote cycling, both social and competitive, in the North East Lincolnshire area. We are affiliated to British Cycling, Cycling Time Trials, Cycling UK and the Lincolnshire Road Riding Association. We run a program of club time trials from April to August and reliability trials in March and September as well as year round weekly rides. Please use the navigation to the left to find out more

Latest News

2025 Subscriptions
Posted on 2025-02-04 by Janice Wakefield

This year's subscriptions are now due. The price is still £5 for under 18s, £16 for those aged 19 to 69 and £5 for over 70s. Members over 80 years get free membership. You can pay through the clubs section of the British Cycling website, by bank transfer (email me for bank details), or by cash or cheque to 21 Connaught Ave. Grimsby.

Annual General Meeting
Posted on 2025-01-14 by Janice Wakefield

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 20th January at Cromwell Road Fire Station.

Lindsey Roads Cycling Club " AT A CROSS ROADS "
Posted on 2024-11-04 by Janice Wakefield

Statement from the LRCC committee.
After many many years of dedicated service, Steve and Janice Wakefield, Maureen Silcox and John Emerson are taking a step back and now plan to reduce their involvement in running of the club.
54 Years on from its creation, the question is " Where do we go now❓" " We the Members" and our recent Club Chairman Shaun Robinson now need to " shape it's New Future" Or " put it to bed ????❓"
The exiting committee would like to Invite All current and past members plus any local cycling enthusiasts of All Disciplines to a " Special meeting" @ The Community Room Rear of Cromwell Road Fire station, Grimsby on Monday the 18th November 2024 at 7pm to discuss ... " Where do we Go from Here ? " ????❓
What do Past, Present and Future Members of the Club want from a Cycling Club ? And Celebrate what can we offer the local cycling community ? We have such a depth of local groups, individuals and passion all sprung from the well created by our President Brian Mann back in 1970. Let's take that History, depth of knowledge and experience to create a "New Future" for Road Cycling on Lindsey Roads.
Please re-post and share this to All your cycling friends and associates, think about what You / We want / need ? Please think of what you've suggested in the past that maybe didn't happen? Consider what you would like to see ???? We have the opportunity to do things differently. We Value your experience and Love for our Amazing Sport. So come along and be part of New chapter in the history of Lindsey Roads Cycling Club.
When you drive onto the Fire station front area follow down the Left hand side. The car park is at the rear.

Karen Wakefield and Ron Smith Memorial Rides
Posted on 2024-09-12 by Janice Wakefield

Please find below GPX downloads for the routes of the upcoming LRCC Karen Wakefield and Ron Smith Memorial Rides.
Distance GPX file Strava link
40km 40km GPX 40km Strava
65km 65km GPX 65km Strava
100km 100km GPX 100km Strava

Brian West
Posted on 2024-08-10 by Janice Wakefield

I have just been informed that former club member Brian West has recently passed away. Brian was involved in the early years of LRCC. He rode regularly in our midweek TT League during the 70's and into the early 80's, often being happy to set off in No.1 position and loudly announcing when he crossed the finish line "Number one, West" Brian was a supporter of the club, marshalling and generally helping out. Also for many years he ran evening "Circuit Training for cyclist's" classes over the winter months at various local schools. It offered an alternative for club members to keep fit during the colder nights. His funeral will take place on Thursday 22nd August at 3.00pm at Grimsby crematorium and afterwards all are welcome at the Humber Royal.

Pre season social
Posted on 2024-04-17 by Janice Wakefield

So The New Season is upon us and We @ Lindsey Roads Cycling Club would like to invite You to a Social Event Next Monday Evening the 22/04/24 at Cromwell Road Fire station 19:00-21:00hrs.
The weekly Tuesday evening Time Trial League starts the following week and we wanted to Invite as many as possible to an informal get together before. We plan to Hold "A CYCLE JUMBLE / SWAP SHOP" With a " YouTube FAVOURITE VIDEO " Showing in the room.
So bring along Any Cycling related Equipment, Clothing, Books, Magazines Whatever you wish move on to someone else who appreciate it ?
And have a Look ( and post a link below of a favourite YouTube Video of a MAX of 15-20 minutes duration please ?)
A chance to meet, chat, talk Cycling and catch up with old or make new friends And to Share a favourite piece of Cycling media. Please share this invitation to All on your contacts list and to any cycling friends in the Town. Come and join us. Let's build the Cycling Community in the N E Lincolnshire and above all RideSAFE

Hilly TT
Posted on 2024-04-14 by Janice Wakefield

Our first evening time trial is planned for Tuesday 30th April and is on the super hilly circuit. Signing on is at Swallow village hall and the first rider starts at 7pm. Please note that the start point for this event has been moved to just south of Swallow village on the Cuxwold road. The finish will remain at the top of the hill before you reach the Swallow fork. There is a link to a Strava segment in the events calendar. To be eligible for the TT league you need to be a member of Lindsey Roads and joining details can be found below or you can join at the TT. Guests are always welcome to ride.

Club TT
Posted on 2024-04-08 by Janice Wakefield

10 riders turned up to ride the first time trial of 2024 over 1 lap of the Fonaby Circuit. Despite the extremely windy conditions there were some fast times posted with Andy Thomas taking first place with a time of 21:16. Visitor Matthew Goodwin was second with 21:47 and Tony Nash was third with 22:35. Daniella Cullum was the only lady riding and she posted a very creditable 26:54. Full results are available by clicking the latest results tab. Our next time trial takes place on Tuesday 30th April on the hilly circuit which will now start just outside Swallow village on the Cuxwold road. HQ is the Swallow Village Hall. You can view any previous results by clicking on events calendar and finding the year and date of the event you wish to view. For events prior to 2016 you will find results in the news archive for that year and month.

JOHN Mould/Ron Smith rides
Posted on 2024-03-31 by Janice Wakefield

Please find below GPX downloads for the routes of the upcoming LRCC Ron Smith Rides.
Distance GPX file Strava link
40km 40km GPX 40km Strava
65km 65km GPX 65km Strava
100km 100km GPX 100km Strava

Club Subs
Posted on 2024-03-10 by Janice Wakefield

2024 membership is now due and it is still £16 for seniors and £5 for under 18s and over 70s. Over 80s have earned free membership. You can pay through the British Cycling website (£1 admin fee), or by bank transfer. The bank details are the same as previous years but you can send me a message or e mail if you require them. Alternatively you can drop cash or a cheque to 21 Connaught Ave. We will also be at the Club Room at Cromwell Road Fire Station this Monday 11th March from 7.30 to 7.45 if you want to call in.

Upcomming events

Sat 12th Apr 2025 - 10:00
Fonaby 1 Lap
Sun 13th Apr 2025 - 08:45
Ron Smith and John Mould memorial rides
Thu 17th Apr 2025 - 18:30
Barton Wheelers Inter Club 10 mile TT
Tue 29th Apr 2025 - 19:00

Latest Results

Tue 27th Aug 2024 - 18:45
Hill Climb - main
Tue 20th Aug 2024 - 18:45
Hilly - main
Tue 13th Aug 2024 - 19:00
Club 10 - main
Tue 6th Aug 2024 - 19:00
Fonaby 1 Lap - main

LRCC on Strava!